Stick Man
This carving has plenty of expression, and since the sticks shown are not included, you can add to it by placing your own sticks into the slots!
Three expressive tomatoes sit atop one another to show that they're ripe with personality!
Nice to be Kneaded
This sweet slice of smiling bread reminds you that it's always nice to be kneaded.
Mr. Sourdough
Mr. Sourdough rolling pin will give you the tough love you need to get to cooking!
Memory of a Heart So Loved
'This memory of a Heart so Deeply Loved Never Fades Away'
A bright red Cardinal or the buzzing of garden insects, can remind us that loved ones are near.
Celestial Attraction
A classic sun and moon sculpted together to bring celestial joy into every back yard or garden setting.
For the Love of Dogs
This composition combines the elements of a puzzle within a heart, showcasing different dogs that are all equally lovable.
Dear Friends
Share the special memories of a lasting friendship with this sweet reminder of an art piece.
Bramble Bunnies
The long hedgerows in England are the inspiration behind this bunny filled art piece!
Metal Art Sign - This Wine is making me Awesome
Elizabeth Keith metal art & signs are rusted for an old world charm look. An artful and unique piece to display in your home and and your garden!
Metal Art - Faith Tree
Elizabeth Keith metal art & signs are rusted for an old world charm look. An artful and unique piece to display in your home and and your garden!